Friday, July 10, 2009

I Will Come When You Know the Worst Worry

I will come when you know the worst worry
Supine in a shadowy room,
The mad joy of the day, vanished
And your happy smile banished
To the evening's icy gloom.

I will come when your heart's true feeling
Rules completely, can't be swayed
And I can stir you with my influence
Deepen your desolation, freeze your happiness
Steal your soul away.

Listen, this is the hour and that is all -
A moment of surety for you
Do you feel it unfolding your soul
How strange sensations roll ?
How like clouds - heralding a squall
And I am coming too.

- emily brontë,
french version - Pierre Leyris,
transl back into english by cjwm

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Wind, Lay Down in the Heather

Wind, lay down in the heather
Your wild voice pleases me not
I wanted savage weather
But one which wind forgot.

Sun, leave the evening sky
Your smile does not delight
If there must be a glow in Heaven
Let it be Cynthia's light.

- emily brontë,
french version - Pierre Leyris,
transl back into english by cjwm